How to rebuild confidence in your skills after a bad professional experience

The worst thing that can happen in our professional life is losing confidence in ourselves. The opportunities that come to us do not matter if we do not believe that we have skills that are valuable in the market.

Let me tell you a story. I recently worked with a brilliant client. Let’s call him Jorge.

Jorge worked as an expatriate for a large group. He was relocated thanks to his skills, the quality of his work, his efficiency and his dedication.

Despite this great opportunity, the change of environment and culture did not suit him very well. Jorge felt rejected, isolated and unappreciated in regard to his proposals and competencies.

Naturally, after several months of what he called «labor mistreatment» the quality of his work was affected. And so did his confidence in himself and in his profile, despite the brilliant person he is. So he was fired! Not so good for self-esteem!

Now, Jorge’s case is just an example. But there are many people who lose confidence in their skills and in themselves after going through a particular circumstance.

How to solve this?

So, what can be done to get out of this «dark hole» and resurface like the Phoenix bird!:

  1. Reconnect with yourself: discover your own personal values and find out in what way your life presents you with aspects where you fulfill these values
  2. Recover your skills: do a skills assessment with a professional coach. Someone external can help you turn your perspective around and become aware of all the professional, personal and transferable skills that you have
  3. Learn new skills: constant learning makes our brain work and it makes us more flexible. The more you learn, the more tools you count on to face situations, this will make you gain confidence in yourself again.

This is what Jorge did! Today he is renewed. He is in a better position and with a better salary … and decided to stay in the new country. He realized that his abilities did not depend on how his colleagues from different cultures perceived him, but on how he perceived himself!

Do you want to recover your skills, regain confidence in yourself and turn your career around? Join my Facebook or LinkedIn group to help you create a career that will inspire you



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