Is technology changing or replacing your job? Learn how to reposition yourself

Is technology changing or replacing your job? Learn how to reposition yourself Consider to reposition yourself professionally if you fear that technology is «kicking you out of your job». I think that it is not necessary to investigate a lot to realize that technology, although it facilitates our daily work, it is possible that it ends […]

Do what you love without sacrifying your high revenues

  Do what you love without sacrifying your high revenues You know you want to quit your job because it does not really make you happy. You want to do what you love, and you know you can succeed at it, but… why aren’t you taking action? Aha! I know what you are thinking: how do I […]

Read the traffic lights on your career path


How to read the traffic lights on your career path Traffic lights were first established in 1868 in London and their main function is to send a signal that indicates whether you are allowed to proceed through the intersection on or not. Anyone able to walk and drive on the streets should understand how traffic […]

Read the traffic lights on your career path

How to read the traffic lights on your career path Traffic lights were first established in 1868 in London and their main function is to send a signal that indicates whether you are allowed to proceed through the intersection on or not. Anyone able to walk and drive on the streets should understand how traffic […]