Empathy and mirror neurons

For a long time science has tried to explain the extraordinary human capacity to understand what others feel or think, understand the intentions of others and how to react appropriately to others reactions.  The discovery of a brain system called «mirror neurons» revolutionized this theory. These neurons are activated when we perceive emotions or actions […]

Personal – work balance: Is it time to redirect my career?

Reconciling a better professional and personal life resembles us to a mountain too big to climb and at the same time, satisfy the needs that must be met. However, doing this, could be a real investment to long term if is carefully planned. Now, when should we take this initiative? Possibly, when the idea of […]

Ultimate keys of success

Ultimate keys of success Time is a wonderful gift that we have all received. Every person alive has time. Is the way we choose to spend it what makes us have different results from each other. One of the things that I have been told very often is that I am not a very patient […]

Focus your energy on the right career

Focus your energy on the right career Did you know that most people spend only 5% of their time doing something they actually love! The average person spends 60% of the day working (which is why is essential to choose the right career), 20% sleeping, another 15% commuting and only 5% doing something they actually love. That […]

Positive thinking and personal development


How positive thinking is related to personal development? Positive thinking is the best practice that we can do when it comes to personal development and achievement. After 20 years of research and investigating the lives of the millionaires in America, Napoleon Hill reached to this conclusion: “We become what we think about most of the time”. […]