Read the traffic lights on your career path

How to read the traffic lights on your career path Traffic lights were first established in 1868 in London and their main function is to send a signal that indicates whether you are allowed to proceed through the intersection on or not. Anyone able to walk and drive on the streets should understand how traffic […]

How to succeed your job application


  How to succeed your job application Are you looking for a new job? Are you perhaps considering a change of career? Whatever your case may be, if you are reading this article is because you are in the tedious process of applying for a job. You know how it is, it gets repetitive, you have to fill in many […]

Focus your energy on the right career

Focus your energy on the right career Did you know that most people spend only 5% of their time doing something they actually love! The average person spends 60% of the day working (which is why is essential to choose the right career), 20% sleeping, another 15% commuting and only 5% doing something they actually love. That […]

Building your career


Building your career How can we choose the right career in life?Are we too young or too old to choose/change a career path? One of the causes of dissatisfaction in life is the job that we choose to do every day. I used to believe that once you choose your study field you will be […]