
Do what you want and not just what you can do

Can you say today that you do what you want? If you are not sure about the answer maybe it’s time to talk a bit more about this!

Let’s be honest, most of us apply to a job after having obtained a specific diploma. A diploma that surely was the result of having spent several years studying a career that very likely someone told us that we had «vocation» for that.

Did we really have a vocation or did we simply have competences in that? I do not remember anyone asking me at age 16: what do you want to be and do, what really drives you and inspires you?

I think the options that we «have» are a bit by default: you’re good at math, then you study economics, business, or accounting; you are also good at physics so you better study engineering; if you are good in English, then in a humanistic career like journalism or law you could do well; if you are good at chemistry and biology, then you will be a good doctor or dentist

… And so, the years go by and now we are in a job doing what we can do and we are good at, and probably we are even well paid but, is it really what we want to be and do or are we trapped in that comfort zone?

If you are reading this and you feel identified, then I want you to know that it is possible to get out of that rat race.

That’s right, you can do something more fulfilling, where you grow and develop personally and professionally. It is possible to stop acting due to a conditioned effect and walking aimlessly.

How to start to do what you want?

Well, you have to start by finding it out. I my coaching sessions we start by doing what we have never done before. We take time to actually ask you: What do you really want? What do you like to do? How far do you want to go? What impact do you want to create?

A satisfying career, which is truly fulfilling, is one that is aligned with your personal values ​​(what matters most to you), that gives you energy and that develops your potential. To build it, it is important that you:

Allow yourself to do what you want and not only what you are good at, even more if your work does not satisfy you!


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